I told you that I'm a bit slow nowadays...but having these colourful flower crochet headbands make me smile whenever they're done. I'm starting to run out-of-stock of the colourful faceted buttons. Nothing is more exciting than to have those colourful buttons fill my working tray hehhe...and now they seem to dissapear :). I will slowly change them to big flowers buttons which are no less colourful. I just hope the supplier will not stop producing such buttons. Plan to start my brisk walk today...but it seems raining heavily outside...or maybe I just go back and continue my sewing? hehehhe

Waaaa....tonnes of cute headbands! =)
Cantik2 lah headband akak ni..sy ada jumpa butang2 cantik semlm. Kalau akak minat besok sy anta gmbr
hi myfyd...heheh, tu ler..mata i pun dah kaler2 ni tengok
hi aisyah..thx babe. wahh butang cantek ek ? nak tengok!
Kak, sy dah email gmbr buttons tu..
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