The story of bulk 4 headbands continues...hehehe....if u notice in the photo below..I've used new type of button for the brown/white headband. Normally, I use the colorful big faceted button for my flower crochets. But recently, I got to know that the supplier is no longer having such stock :(...meaning, I would have to slowly change my normal buttons to new button designs and this is gonna be quite tricky because it's not easy to find such similar buttons. But then, I still need to figure out how...uwaaaaaaaaa
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Crochet Headband-Bulk 4
Hmmm....nothing much to say....not in the mood , I guess. I need more inspirations, more ideas, more vacations..opss! hehehhe...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Joining Giveaway
Good Day All....Let's join this giveaway held by dear crafter . She is a creative mommy-to-be crafter and this is her 1st giveaway. Check out the cool stuffs that she's offering :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Crochet, Pencil Cases- In Progress :)
I think I'm going too slow with my craft, I really, really need to speed up. Really wonder how other crafters can do many hours of sewing hehhe. As for me, I normally do my crafting after 9 pm. This is the time when I've taken my dinner, complete most of the house chores...and feel more relax and calm. But I really , really need to speed up!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
New Header
Don't panic with the new header...hehehe ...I'm just trying it out based on the tip from my beloved crafter friend of TinkerSpace. She got this useful tip from Craftaholic Anonymous . Very , very useful!!!!

Pink Pencil Cases - Multi Design
This is the latest order from my nephew's classmates - pink pencil cases....for 3 girls. Since all of them requested for pink colour, I came out with almost the same designs for all three. I really really hope all three are equally lovely and acceptable to them.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Crochet Flower Headbands - Bulk 3
Do I get bored doing these headbands? Of Coz not!!! It's my little therapy..remember ? :) Once completed, I get the chance to arrange them for photo-shoot, lay them down on nice pillow, hang them around's fun. And I will have a mixture feeling of sad, happy, relieve to let them go to their owners. Call me silly, but they are like my babies.....ok ok...we got the point fida hehehe.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Maroon & Pink Pouches
This is a continuity order from previous batch. Normally, I do my sewing in the living room where I can also listen to my favourite songs using my notebook. I even watch music videos when I sew, about multitasking fida...heheh
But hey, crafter needs entertainment too you know... so no matter how much orders/work loads/requests from your beloved clients...I'm sure there are ways to cheer you up, to boost your ideas, to ease your order to give the best to your clients. Music works well ...for far :)

But hey, crafter needs entertainment too you know... so no matter how much orders/work loads/requests from your beloved clients...I'm sure there are ways to cheer you up, to boost your ideas, to ease your order to give the best to your clients. Music works well ...for far :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Crochet Headbands for Ladies :)
Kinda funny to realize that all my headbands that I've done were for babies/kids. Not that I did not want to do for adults but maybe I was so hooked up with the crochet, I'm missing those category hehehe...actually, few did ask me if big girls can wear them too....and of coz! So this order that I've just completed is for a big girl :)....and she requested the width of the headband to be reduced. Crochet done, already wrapped nicely and already sent to the receiver. Hope she likes them :)

Monday, March 15, 2010
Pink Flower Crochet , AGAIN!!!
Well, since I can't wait for the production to complete, I just captured these lovely flowers ( combination of pink and white does appeal to me heheh) ...and when I arranged them in certain ways...they do look like a necklace huh? Or my eyes are beginning to give me weird visions?***sigh As always, pink rules!!!

Ad Hoc Bookmark
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tennis Ball Pencil Case
This is a new order from my nephew's classmate. Doing pencil case for kids is enjoyable simple because you can kid around with the designs heheheh. I'm not saying kids don't have taste ok :) but when you do creations for tend to be more like one....doesn't that make you feel young? heheheheheh...Anyway, I just hope Danial's friend love this.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Pink Package (Set of 3)
It's quite fun doing this order. Firstly because it must be pink in colour (one of my fav colour) and secondly, these 3 items seem to compliment each other well. Hmmm...maybe I can start promoting such package to my clients then hehehehhe.I'm gonna be quite busy this weekend with some bulk orders. Wish me luck to complete them on time and to upload more photos here heheheh...Have a nice weekend everybody..:)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Brown Felt Pouch
I seldom receive request for brown colour pouch. Actually, it's a nice colour-earth, natural. And it makes much easier to blend with selected colours and cute buttons.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Working Tray
This is my favourite working tray...the only working tray that I have hehehehhe. But it is so convenient to me, I can carry it wherever I the living room, kitchen, TV area ..depends on my mood when I'm doing my craft.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Pink & Blue Pouches
It's been awhile since my last pouch making. Some of my clients want me to make similar design based on the previous orders. But unfortunately, whenever I try to make them according to previous will turn out not the same..arghhhhh..... please don't blame me for not following the order/request but I think I would prefer each client to have his/her own unique design hehhehehe( try to cover yourself up huh fida hehehhe). Anyway, check out these photos hehhehe

Oh hp is still in ICU...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Spongebob Pencil Case last, I managed to complete this order.Need to brush up my drawing more after this cause I still think I should improve my spongebob version. Thought of doing my spongebob with its shirt or something but ending up just the face. I really hope my client accept this one....with a smile.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Crochet Flower Headbands-Bulk Order 2
Making these headbands made me remember the time I played with dolls when I was small( that's totally longgggggggg time ago hehehhe). You can change the colour, the type of dress etc. Same goes with doing these's all depends on the colour , the u coordinate them all together, up to your imagination.
Hmmm....come to think about it...these headbands kinda give me more ideas... :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Felt Comestic Pouch
This is a new request from a friend who wanted a cosmetic pouch instead of a pencil case. Still , design is not much different. I've used a printed polda dotted felt for this pouch with just touch of not so many buttons hehehhe. Hmm....i wonder when can I make one for my own usage ? hehehhehe
Flower Crochet Hair Clip
Managed to upload this photo with the help of my colleague's hp hehehe. Oh well..I have to find ways to get my blog updated rite? Pink is the chosen colour for this hairclips. Hope the little girl loves them.
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